The Calisthenics Championship Solo Competition for 2013 was held last weekend. Julia (Miss Six) was once again truly fabulous and I am so proud of her. She had practised hard and it showed in her performance. She tried her very best and although she missed a placing, she clapped the loudest and the longest for everyone else!
All the girls were wonderful, and Julia had such a great time that she is keen to continue with solo competitions next year. A huge thank you once again to Hannah for being such a great coach and well done on your achievements so far this year! Now Julia will be concentrating on her team routines - the first team competition is coming up fast!
If you'd like to find out more, please take a look at Calisthenics ACT if you are in Canberra like me, or Calisthenics Australia for more information about Calisthenics in other states.
Joining Sticky Fingers for The Gallery... the theme this week is Drink.
Here is a picture of me, scoffing Butterbeer outside the shops of Hogsmeade. It was absolutely delicious and I couldn't let all that yummy froth go to waste! This photo was captured by my ever-loving (ever-laughing) husband on our trip to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios, Florida. Christine xx
After the Christmas rush last year, I decided to crochet a few patterns that I had been meaning to try for quite a while. The first was this sweet baby cardigan. It was quick and easy to make, and I love the simple texture of the design.
This gorgeous cardigan is designed by Lolly at Lolly's Crafty Crochet. Her free pattern can be found here.
Linking to "Made by you Monday" at Skip to My Lou... join the fun!
Also linking to "In and Out of the Kitchen Link party" at Feeding Big and More... craft, projects, recipes and more!
I loved the challenge of making super heroes! This is a set of four of my favourites in crochet - Batman, Superman, Spider-Man and Wonder Woman. These guys were not difficult to make, and I think my designs turned out really well. I can't decide which one I like the best, but Miss J says that Wonder Woman is her favourite!
The pattern design for the figures is adapted from the Luke crochet pattern by Lucy Collin (Lucy Ravenscar) with permission from the designer. You can purchase Lucy's patterns on Etsy here.
Which is your favourite character?
Linking to "Made by you Monday" at Skip to My Lou... join the fun!
Also linking to "In and Out of the Kitchen Link party" at Feeding Big and More... craft, project, recipes and more! Christine xx
Joining Sticky Fingers for The Gallery... the theme this week is The Weekend.
Every 6 months or so, we travel to Berrima for lunch with my brother and his family. They travel from Sydney and we travel from Canberra, so it's about half way. We usually have lunch at Josh's Cafe - the food and service are excellent! One highlight for Miss J is a visit to The Lolly Swagman. It's a real old-fashioned sweet shop with jars of lollies stacked up high on shelves along the walls, rows and rows of bagged lollies on benches, and handmade fudge behind a glass cabinet. There's always time to take a photo outside the shop, then Miss J likes to choose a bag of lollies for the car trip home. Such a lovely way to spend the weekend. Christine xx
Last year I crocheted these little decorations as part of Julia's gifts for her teachers at the end of the school year. I made them in a cotton/acrylic yarn with wooden beads and buttons and they were quite easy to make.
These beautiful baubles are designed by Lucy from Attic 24. Her free pattern and tutorial can be found here.
Linking to "Made by you Monday" at Skip to My Lou... join the fun!
Also linking to "In and Out of the Kitchen Link party" at Feeding Big and More... craft, project, recipes and more!
Joining Sticky Fingers for The Gallery... the theme this week is Self Portrait.
The setting: Australia Day 2009, Commonwealth Park, a hot day. The Mr Men gang are dancing around on the stage and I'm enjoying the performance. (Actually, I'm enjoying the shade in front of the stage). Three-year-old Julia would like nothing more than to be let loose amongst the crowd. She's wiggling and starting to get really heavy in my arms. A self portrait of perhaps the best side of a somewhat frazzled Mum :) Christine xx